Ear Discharge
Ear discharge, often known as otorrhea, is any fluid that comes from the ear.
Earwax is normally discharged through the ears. This is a natural oil that your body produces. Earwax serves as a barrier between your ear and dust, germs, and other foreign objects.
Due to numerous illnesses, such as a ruptured eardrum, blood or other fluids may spill out your ear. This sort of discharge suggests that your ear has been injured or infected, and you should seek medical attention as soon as possible.

What Causes Ear Discharge?
The majority of the time, discharge from your ear is merely ear wax exiting your body. This is quite normal. Infection or injury are two more causes that might induce discharge.
Middle Ear Infection:
A common cause of ear discharge is a middle ear infection (otitis media). When germs or viruses enter the middle ear, otitis media develops. The eardrum is behind the middle ear. It is made up of three bones known as ossicles. These are necessary for hearing.
Fluid can build up behind the eardrum due to ear infections in the middle ear. If there is too much fluid in the ear, the eardrum may perforate, resulting in ear discharge.
A traumatic injury to the ear canal can also result in a discharge. When cleaning your ear with a cotton swab, if you push it in too far, you might cause damage.
An increase in pressure, such as that experienced when flying or scuba diving, can also cause ear damage. Your eardrum may rupture or tear as a result of these circumstances.
Acoustic trauma occurs when the ear is damaged by exceptionally loud noises. Your eardrum might also burst as a result of acoustic damage. These situations, however, are not as prevalent as the ones mentioned.