Mouth Ulcers
Mouth ulcers are caused by a variety of factors. Certain causes and triggers, however, have been identified. These are some of them:
- Braces for teeth
- During menstruation, hormonal changes occur.
- Whether it’s due to mental stress or a lack of sleep
- Dental procedures, vigorous brushing, sports injury, or an accidental bite can all cause minor mouth injuries.
- Sodium lauryl sulfate-containing toothpaste and mouthwash
- Acidic fruits like strawberries, citrus, and pineapples, as well as other trigger foods like chocolate and caffeine, can cause food sensitivities.
- A deficiency in key vitamins, including B-12, zinc, folate, and iron
- An allergic reaction to germs in the mouth.

Mouth ulcers also can be a sign of conditions that are more serious and require medical treatment, such as:
- Behcet’s disease is an illness that affects people (a condition that causes inflammation throughout the body)
- A malfunctioning immune system, causing your body to attack healthy mouth cells rather than viruses and germs
- Celiac disease is a kind of celiac disease (a condition in which the body is unable to tolerate gluten)
- Inflammatory bowel disease
- Diabetes mellitus is a kind of diabetes.